The Analysis of Colloquial Words on Updates Status of Facebook


  • Mohammad Sofyan Adi Pranata University of Nurul Jadid
  • Feny Nur Fadilah University of  Nurul Jadid


Colloquial Words, Update Status, and Facebook


The research design of this study is a descriptive qualitative design that on analyzing colloquial words on updates status of facebook from October until December 2020. The objective of the study generally is to find out some types of technical terms used to form colloquial words found on updates status of facebook. They are: Abbreviation, Clipping, Blending, Hypocorism, and Acronyms. Based on the data analysis, from eight types of technical terms presented, five types of technical terms are found by the researcher. The types are not found in the study such as Prefix, Suffix, and combination of Suffix and Prefix. The most frequently used in colloquial words on updates status are Abbreviation, Clipping, and Acronyms. In terms of sociolinguistics, all users of colloquial words in facebook are adult and from educational classes. There are only a few users of colloquial words using colloquial words.

Author Biographies

Mohammad Sofyan Adi Pranata, University of Nurul Jadid

Social and Humanity Faculty, University of Nurul Jadid

Feny Nur Fadilah, University of  Nurul Jadid

Social and Humanity Faculty, University of  Nurul Jadid


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How to Cite

Mohammad Sofyan Adi Pranata, & Feny Nur Fadilah. (2022). The Analysis of Colloquial Words on Updates Status of Facebook. Surakarta English and Literature Journal, 4(1), 20–31. Retrieved from


