The Functions of English Terms in Korean Popular Music (K-Pop): A Register Analysis


  • Asfi Aniuranti Nahdlatul Ulama University of Purwokerto


Register, English Terms, K-Pop, Term Functions.


This study is a part of register research aimed at investigating the functions of English terms in Korean Popular Music (K-Pop). There are many English terms used in K-Pop, and those terms are assumed to have some purposes. The researcher completed this study through several phases called data gathering, data analysis, and data presentation. The present study reveals that there are at least eleven functions of English terms in K-Pop. The terms are utilized for promoting the singers’ music projects, showing self as something different from the others, communicating briefly, praising the singers’ physical appearances, appreciating the singers’ achievements, giving comment on the singers’ attitudes, commenting on the singers’ fashions, joking, giving appreciation to the music agencies, appreciating the fans, and showing hatred toward the singers.

Author Biography

Asfi Aniuranti, Nahdlatul Ulama University of Purwokerto

English Language Teaching Department, Nahdlatul Ulama University of Purwokerto


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How to Cite

Asfi Aniuranti. (2022). The Functions of English Terms in Korean Popular Music (K-Pop): A Register Analysis. Surakarta English and Literature Journal, 3(2), 45–53. Retrieved from


